Rory’s School Lunches is an external canteen provider which provides quality pre-order menu and a cafeteria-style recess and lunch time service for students and staff. The canteen provides a range of food options that cater for a variety of dietary needs and rotates their menu on a regular basis.
In 2024, Reception to Year 12 students are ONLY able to submit lunch orders using the Qkr! App by 8:30am.
Reception to Year 6
Students in Reception to Year 6 are able to submit lunch orders using the Qkr! App by 8.30am. Lunch orders are delivered to each classroom at the commencement of lunchtime.
Years 7 to Year 12
Students in Year 7 to Year 12 are able to submit lunch orders using the Qkr! App by 8.30am. Lunch orders are to be collected from the canteen at the commencement of lunchtime. They are also able to access the canteen at recess and lunchtime.
In 2024, Reception to Year 12 students are ONLY able to submit lunch orders using the Qkr! App by 8:30am.
Reception to Year 6
Students in Reception to Year 6 are able to submit lunch orders using the Qkr! App by 8.30am. Lunch orders are delivered to each classroom at the commencement of lunchtime.
Years 7 to Year 12
Students in Year 7 to Year 12 are able to submit lunch orders using the Qkr! App by 8.30am. Lunch orders are to be collected from the canteen at the commencement of lunchtime. They are also able to access the canteen at recess and lunchtime.